Holy Week in Cartagena

Holy Week in Cartagena de Indias

Holy Week in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, is a religious and cultural celebration of great importance for the city. Throughout the week leading up to Easter, the city’s inhabitants and visitors come together to commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

During this week, Cartagena dresses up in festive and colorful decorations to welcome the thousands of visitors who come to the city to witness the celebration. The streets are filled with processions and parades, in which the Passion and Death of Christ are represented.

The Holy Week in Cartagena is a blend of Spanish and Afro-Caribbean traditions, making it a unique celebration. During the week, processions are held by the different brotherhoods of the city, accompanied by sacred music and religious chants. The floats carried during the processions are authentic works of art and represent different moments in the life of Jesus Christ, such as the entry into Jerusalem, the trial of Pilate, the crucifixion, and the resurrection.

One of the most notable moments of Holy Week in Cartagena is the procession of the Holy Burial, which takes place on Friday. During this procession, the image of the dead Christ is carried on a bier, accompanied by the Virgin Mary and the different characters who participated in the Passion of Christ. The procession is silent and solemn, making it one of the most emotional moments of the celebration.

In addition to the processions, Holy Week in Cartagena also features other cultural and religious events such as concerts of sacred music, theatrical performances, and religious art exhibitions.

Holy Week in Cartagena de Indias is a celebration that combines religious tradition with the culture and history of the city. It is a unique opportunity to learn about the cultural and religious richness of Cartagena and to witness one of the most important and emotional celebrations of the year in Colombia.

If you plan to visit Cartagena during Holy Week, there are many important and traditional events that you can enjoy. Here are some of the most notable events:

  1. Processions: Processions are a fundamental part of Holy Week in Cartagena. Every day, processions are held with different floats that represent key moments of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Christ. The most important procession is that of Good Friday, known as the Holy Burial, which is a solemn and emotional procession.
  2. Palm Sunday Mass: Holy Week in Cartagena begins with the celebration of Palm Sunday, which is held at the Cathedral of Cartagena. During the Mass, palms and olive branches that are carried in the procession are blessed.
  3. The tradition of the visit to the 7 monuments is a religious custom that takes place in Cartagena on Holy Thursday. It consists of visiting seven different churches or temples to venerate the monuments that represent the most important passages of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
    The visit to the 7 monuments is a common practice in several Spanish-speaking countries and has become a deeply rooted tradition in Catholic culture. In Cartagena, this tradition is especially significant due to the large number of churches and religious monuments in the city.
    During the visit, the faithful participate in a procession through the different churches and monuments, where prayers are made and images of the passages of the Passion of Christ are venerated. In some places, the monuments are decorated with flowers and candles, adding a festive touch to the procession.
    The visit to the 7 monuments takes place on the night of Holy Thursday and lasts until the early morning of Good Friday. It is a practice that brings many people together and is seen as an opportunity to reflect on faith and the teachings of Holy Week.
  4. Concerts of sacred music: During Holy Week, several concerts of sacred music are held in different churches and temples throughout the city. These concerts are an opportunity to enjoy religious music and the architecture of Cartagena’s colonial churches.
  5. Vía Crucis: The Vía Crucis is an outdoor theatrical representation that takes place in different locations throughout the city, such as the Convento de la Popa, the Plaza de Santo Domingo, and the Plaza de San Diego. This representation is a recreation of the 14 moments of Christ’s Passion and is a very popular event during Holy Week.
  6. Religious art exhibitions: During Holy Week, several museums and art galleries in Cartagena organize exhibitions of religious art. These exhibitions showcase sacred works of art from different eras and styles and are an opportunity to learn about the rich religious history and culture of the city.
  7. The Festival of Sweets is an event that takes place in Cartagena, Colombia during Holy Week. This festival is one of the city’s oldest traditions and has become an important tourist attraction for visitors.
    During the festival, the inhabitants of Cartagena prepare a wide variety of typical sweets from the region, such as cocadas, alegrías, dulces de leche, and fruit sweets. Other local products such as guava bocadillos and turrones can also be found.

In addition to the sweets tasting, the Festival of Sweets features parades, cooking contests, and cultural events such as live music and dance performances. There are also activities for children and workshops where visitors can learn to prepare some of the typical sweets from the region.

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